Tuesday, November 16, 2010

37/365: This is Where the Magic Happens

A girl and her stylist have a special relationship. The things that happen while you're in that chair are cloaked in secrecy and only shared with closest of confidants. For a girl with short hair, finding the right stylist is incredibly cumbersome. In the last 10 years, I've moved through about nine, not counting my current wizard.

I try to be loyal, but there are certain things I can't excuse. Habitual lateness is a biggie. I can understand once or twice, but it shouldn't be monthly. Poor color is another one...think middle school principal with hot pink or orange hair, it wasn't pretty. And then there are the stylists who refuse to grow with the times. I do not want mall bangs or poofy hair.

My current relationship is going on about seven months and seems to be striving. He's met all my criteria and pays incredible attention to detail. The added bonus is he likes bikes so we always have something to talk about while he works. I'm hoping this grows into something very long term because I don't relish the thought of going on the hunt again.

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