Wednesday, November 24, 2010

45/365: I Like It Even Less in the Fall

As much as I like to be outside, I do not like to garden. This is the area at the end of my driveway. My petunias are dead. My hostas are withered. There are remnants of weeds everywhere. I wish I could say that the pitifulness of this spectacle would move me to do something about it, but it won't. I can handle a few tomato plants and a bit of basil, but not flowers. I've never been one who was even big on getting flowers as a gift, so the idea of growing them does nothing for me. I make a go of it in the spring. I pull weeds, plant pansies, make a pretence of finding other plants to put in the ground. Some summers, I even add more flowers once my pansies succumb to the heat. Once I even made it so far as to put mums in the ground. This year I can't even bring myself to pull out the carcasses that remain.

When we lived in the City, I really made an attempt at having a beautiful, flowery patio. I had pots of different shapes and sizes. I hit nurseries and Soulard Market looking for great flower deals. It's good we were only in that house 3.5 years. I couldn't have kept that farce up much longer.

I keep thinking maybe someday I'll change my mind. Then I get on my bike and spend my time far more productively.

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