Saturday, November 13, 2010

34/365: The Dinnertime Struggle

Both of my kids have fall birthdays, so I've taken both of them to the pediatrician for their yearly check ups with the last two months. We go through all the standard developmental questions and always come to "Is he/she a good eater?" I never know how to answer that question. This year for both of them I replied, "When he/she wants to be." I'm about as accurate as a meteorologist when trying to predict how my kids will eat. Tonight we had a dinner that I thought both of them would devour. Boo did, and asked for more. Bella on the other hand, picked and picked at her food. Her daddy fed her, I fed her. I try not to force the kids to eat, but I knew she had only had a container of yogurt and a pbj all day. And what really kills me is tomorrow I could put something out that I would swear she won't eat and she'll devour it. The wonders of parenting never cease.

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