Wednesday, January 26, 2011

108/365: Sweet Dreams

I don't know what it is, but I haven't been sleeping well as of late.  I fall asleep without issue; that's never a problem.  But then I wake up frequently through the night.  I'm hot, then I'm cold.  My arm falls asleep.  Diesel rolls over and spreads out so I can't move my legs.  Daisy paws at me to lift her in bed because she's cold.  And on, and on, and on.  I'm not a big one for taking any sort of meds, supplements, OTC, or prescribed.  I try to solve issues naturally, holistically before turning to chemical help.  I've tried varying the temperature in the bedroom.  I've tried varying what wear to bed.  I've tried banishing the dogs (that didn't work at all).  I've tried having a glass of wine.  I've tried not having a glass of wine.  Nothing has been fool-proof.  So tonight I'm giving in to melatonin.  Klucker swears by it.  I've taken it on occasion, but not really known if it's worked or not because I hadn't been having problems.  Tonight will be the real test.  Wish me luck and sweet dreams!

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