Thursday, January 27, 2011

109/365: The Last Minute Phone Call

Boo is chatting with Klucker.  We were in the private waiting room prior to his surgery this morning.  This was the second time he's had outpatient surgery in his short life.  Both times it's been for tubes in his ears.  And I think each time was more traumatic for mama than it was for him.  Today was easier in that I knew what to expect.  I knew how disoriented he would be as he woke up.  I also knew he'd sleep like a rock once I got him to lay down this afternoon.  This time the ENT is going to monitor him more post surgery.  We'll be going for a check up every four to six months to make sure the ear drums aren't being sucked out of shape.  He'll also have to have a complete allergy panel to see if there is some outside cause for the fluid.  These tubes will also have to be removed in a few years instead of falling out on their own.  I have to say in spite of how much it stressed me out for him to have these procedures, I'm thankful for them.  Boo's only ear infection since August 2009 came after that set of tubes became dislodged.  Before that it was four to six infections a year.  But by tomorrow the little man will be back to normal, bear hugging his sister, sassing his dad and loving on his mama. 

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