Monday, February 28, 2011

141/365: A Sound That Catches My Ear

These wind chimes hang outside my back door.  The music they make takes me to a happy place.  I often take for granted their melody, but often enough, it reminds me of those I love and miss.

Poppy was my dad's dad.  He was from Southern Illinois.  He and my Maama lived there until the 1940s when the CCC work was done and Poppy needed a job.  He walked into the B&O Railroad to see what they had available.  They asked him if he could type.  He told them he had taken typing in high school.  They told him to sit down and get to work.  He responded that he hadn't brought dinner (lunch) with him.  They told him there was a diner across the street.  So Poppy worked there until the late 70s/early 80s when he retired.  After he retired, Poppy got into a lot of things.  One of the things he did was to make wind chimes.  All of his kids soon had a set.  While his chimes weren't as pretty as these, the sound of wind chimes always make me think of him. 

These chimes, in particular, hold a special place in my heart.  When my daddy died almost five years ago, my cousins bought these for me in leiu of flowers.  Their hope was that these were more permanent than flowers or a plant and that the sight and sound of them would bring me happiness.  It does. 

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