Tuesday, March 1, 2011

142/365: It Goes On and On and On

Find a repeating pattern and make a photograph of it.  Wow!  That could have been a loaded photo opportunity if I could have captured some repeating patterns of human behavior.  I decided to refrain from calling anyone out though.  After all, people in glass houses . . . .

So, the cool thing, to me, about this shot is how small the actual area is.  This is a photo of the side of my desk blotter.  The entire grid is only about 5" by 15" and I think I probably captured less than an inch of it on this shot.  It's all about perspective I guess.  That takes me back to repeating patterns of human behavior.  I guess those all are about perspective as well.  Sometimes it's so easy to sit back and identify patterns of behavior in others, but so much more difficult to identify them in yourself.  I have to frequently remind myself to not be a bull in a china shop, to sit back and let things happen instead of constantly trying to be forcing forward motion.  Patience is a virtue I must try to develop . . . I just want it now.

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