Tuesday, March 15, 2011

156/365: Green!

The green is beginning to appear.
I'm a little curious as to why the assignment of the day for dailyshoot.com is green with St. Patrick's Day two days away, but I'll go with it.  Primarly, I'm going with it because with the snow we had yesterday, this was the view on my ride today.  Green, green grass.  Where's the snow you may ask?  Gone!  I know...it's crazy.  I won't say it's warm and balmy today, but quite a change from yesterday.  I know I sound like one of the old Monroe County farmers, but I think we're in for a crazy spring and summer after the winter we've had. 

Paying this close of attention to the weather is a relatively new thing to me.  This winter is only the second one where I've pushed the temps and weather to venture outside for my bike rides at least once a week.  It's made me very cognizant of what's happening. 

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