Saturday, February 26, 2011

139/365: Making a Connection

Today's assignment was to take a shot that illustrated making a connection.  I started to think about a shot of a human connection, my kids together, hands being held, or something similar.  I toyed with the idea of incorporating my wayward dogs into the shot as well.  Then I decided on this shot because, for me, it illustrates a double connection.  There is the simple idea of the fingers connecting to the keyboard.  But then there is a further meaning of using technology to connect to people. 

I've been thinking a lot about technology and the way it has shaped our interactions with others.  In many ways I am so much more connected with friends and acquaintances through Facebook, Twitter, email and blogs than I could have ever imagined.  I don't hesitate to send someone a quick text when I'm thinking about them, whereas prior to the that technology I wouldn't have been so quick to pick up the phone.  It's opened pathways I wouldn't have thought possible as recent as ten years ago. 

Technology is having an impact on the ways our kids interact and learn.  I recently read the first three chapters (sent out as a worked) of a new book, Understanding the Digital Generation.  The gist of it talks about how we need to teach kids skills for the 21st century instead of the skills we focused on during the Industrial Age until now.  I'll probably end up buying the book, hopefully electronically!, because it really peaked my interest.  I had the opportunity to hear two of the authors, Ian Jukes and Lee Crockett, speak within the last two years.  Interestingly enough, much of their collaboration for this and their previous book occurred without them ever meeting face-to-face.  That idea was my real muse of the idea of connection for this shot today.

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